Direclynx is now an Independent Contractor Partner with Ritter Communications an internet Fiber service company. If you are a business in Hot Springs Arkansas we would be happy to get you a fiber Quote for your business networks. Give us a call at 501-623-5969 or email me at rsgipe@direclynx.net. Ritter provides Voice (VoIP Business Phones) Bandwidth, Cloud Infrastructure, Colocation.
Category News & Updates
Repost from April 2015: Google has discontinued their Google Apps for ISPs service. This will only affect you if you are using @direclynx.net or @hotsprings.net for your e-mail address. The following link will help you with the migration from Google. Your e-mail address will stay the same. It is important that you log on to your account using http://webmail.powerxmail.com at least once as this will begin the migration of your e-mails on Google’s server. Once we have changed over any e-mails that have not been migrated over will have to be recreated, and we will not be able to retrieve any of your contacts or mail from the server.
If you require assistance feel free to e-mail us at support@direclynx.net or call at 501-623-5969
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